Wednesday, January 19, 2011

January 18th 2011 Update

OK so update from yesterday.... I did end up eating a half a piece of fish and half of a baked potato and some corn. See the thing is when i eat at my gooey bugs parents house i feel bad because i feel like i am imposing and i hate when people pay for me. and yes they bought that food so they paid for it. But the nice thing is my gooey bugs mom had the same surgery as i did so we can split a potato and other foods. On a side note here I'm kinda going backwards for lunch yesterday i did eat because his brother left his daughter here because she didn't want to leave :P so gooey bug made tomato soup and grilled cheese with ham. I ate half a sammie and gave the other half to Nevaeh. We shared a bowl of soup but she was pigging out on the soup so i only got what i dunked my sammie in :P we share good :P I might have gotten a little extra protein because she was blowing in the soup ya know and maybe spit a few drops of protein :P jk ewww right..... I know i just made amber puke! I was feeling kinda down yesterday but when they left Nevaeh I perked up because i was having fun. Not that I'm not having fun but i was able to not be a 24 year old and i was able to play. I'm weird. so we ate then we played a little bit then she fed me a few skittles. Then she went to the counter and started drinking my coffee with me. Yes she likes coffee. anyway when she left it was an alright afternoon. Like i said we went to his parents and had fish then came home and i got so cold on the walk home that i am still cold the next day :( i think I'm getting sick :s After we got home i did end up eating a turkey stick because i was hungry by then. overall i guess food wise it was an OK day.

1 comment:

  1. (dances around) yeah she got her protein in go jen go glad to see your day turned around.
