Monday, January 17, 2011

January 17th 2011

This morning i had a yoplait duets blueberry vanilla yogurt for breakfast. I had a grape juice juice box to. For lunch i had a turkey stick and a baby cheese thing. again mmmm! Its those cheese things covered in the red wax that are round! I made coconut coffee so i am enjoying that. I do not have my fancy coffee pot here so i have a 4 cup maker and bought some flavored grounds :) For dinner i will be having a chicken brat with apple flavor.... they were sent to me as a sample thing so i hope they are good. I know that i will snack on a few things as my tummy is driving me nuts with noises. I know i will have some puppy chow and maybe the rest of my chips. So yeah :S my updates will not have pictures as i am not at home i am at my gooey bugs house for a week. I thought maybe it be rude to take pics at his parents house when we eat over there. Plus some dummy forgot her camera download cable! shhh it wasn't me!


  1. hey you can still take picks and add them later.have fun with the future hubby. make sure you get your protein lady.

  2. Protein? whats protein???????????????????? :P
