Monday, January 17, 2011

January 15th 2011

Todady i didnt eat breakfast. Lunch i had a turkey stick its like a beef stick only turkey. No wait i think i had a beef and cheese stick.... yeah beef and cheese! we were on the road and stopped at a yummy meat market! We went to St. Cloud and had Ihop for dinner. I had a bowl of nasty baked botato and bacon soup... well a few bites anyway. Then i had a crepe with yogurt, granola and fresh fruit on top. I took the other one to the hotel which i ate later...... Yeah then i had a cheese wedge... its like a laughing cow just a different brand. I had some cheddar bacon potato skin chips and a grape juice juice box. Then somewhere in there i had a baby cheese thing.... YUMMY. I also had a 3 muskateer (cant spell) crisp bar which was NASTY! That was all.

1 comment:

  1. hey you really didn't eat to much this day. mostly pick at this picked at that. We need at least one good meal in use. =) hugz!!
